This week we looked at structuring and planning the rest of our time for the project. With this, we looked at creating a Gantt chart which provides a visual representation of the time we have for the project and the tasks we want to have finished and when we want them done by. Considering what I actually need doing then allowed me to think of what jobs they can be broken down into and allow me to structure my time and fill out the Gantt chart. Looking at it with this Gantt chart seems like a lot of work, and it is, but it means that I can break down and focus on different parts of the project each week until it all comes together in week twelve for the submission.
Although it would have been more beneficial to have done this shortly after starting the project, it still means for a cleaner approach moving forward and means that I can see what I need doing and for when and I’ve tried to not allow for too many tasks at any one time, this should mean that I can stay on top of things and shouldn’t find it too stressful.
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